Laing Self Storage

Dec 5, 20163 min

Christmas De-cluttering, easier than you think!

When it comes to getting organized, sometimes our grand ambitions outweigh our progress. While it would be great to have lots of time to simply focus on organizing our homes, the reality is most of us don’t have dedicated vacation time to spend organizing. This means we have to learn to organize and simplify as we go!

I believe we often make decluttering more difficult than it really has to be. As I’m preparing for the holidays and decorating for Christmas this year, I’m focusing on how I can be intentional in saving myself both time and energy this year and for the seasons ahead. It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we make conscious steps towards organization right in the midst of our normal day-to-day living.

As you encounter these five holiday season tasks, here are some tips to simplify and organize as you go. Next year you’ll be glad you made these intentional choices to be more organized now.

While Putting Away Christmas Decorations:

As you decorate for Christmas, give yourself permission to simplify if you are feeling overwhelmed. Keep an empty bin nearby as you decorate and fill it with things you don’t need or use anymore, or don’t want to get out again next year. Donate the entire contents of the bin right away–do not put it back in storage.

When you put away your decorations after Christmas, place a label on the outside of each bin, note what items you’re putting in it, and give the bin a number to identify it. Keep a master list of the contents of each bin with the bin number, and post it in your closet or garage so next year you’ll know which bin you want to retrieve. Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that next year you’ll feel more prepared and less cluttered with things you don’t need.

Breathe a sigh of relief knowing that next year you’ll feel more prepared and less cluttered with things you don’t need.

As Gifts are Given and Received:

As you give and receive gifts or holiday cards this year, consider dedicating a small notebook or computer document to keeping organized notes for next year. Write down what gifts you gave, as well as the gifts or cards you received, so you can be sure to send thank you notes and greeting cards.

Each time you receive family Christmas cards in the mail, quickly jot down their return addresses in your notebook. If you’re planning on sending out Christmas cards next year, your address list will already be well on its way.

As You Entertain Holiday Guests:

As you entertain, make a little note of any items you were missing or didn’t feel prepared with. Donate dishes or pans you no longer need that clutter up your kitchen.

Were you missing certain types of serving dishes, platters, utensils or pans that would have made your food preparation or serving a little easier? Look for end-of-year sales on the items you were missing or shop for deals throughout the coming year, so that next year you will feel more prepared to host with ease.

As You Do Your Holiday Baking:

As you’re Christmas cooking and baking, throw out any old or unused spices, and items that have expired or overstayed their welcome. Keep a list of replacements to grab on your next grocery trip. Consolidate your baking supplies like flour and sugar into glass or plastic containers to conserve space and reorganize your baking cabinet while you wait for your holiday cookies to bake.

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